HPT-Interactive  --- Game Pack Documentation --- Alien Attack

    A recreation of the classic game Galaxian. Your objective is to survive wave after wave of deadly alien ships and obtain the highest score possible. You can move your ship left and right to line up shots and dodge enemy shots. If an enemy projectile or an enemy craft itself collides with your ship you will loose a life. Loose 3 lives and its all over. There is new hope however as many upgrades too your weapons and defense systems are available. When you shoot a command ship while its moving, an item will be released. Catch the item to improve or worsen your situation. Some items improve your defenses and weapons, but be careful, other items will harm your ship possibly even destroying it. As you progress through the game the items dropped will steadily become less beneficial to you. Here is a break down of the items you can receive.

    Weapon Upgrade  (move to the next better weapon. There are 3 weapons total)

    Weapon Downgrade (move to the next worse weapon)

    Shield Upgrade (move to the next better shield. There are 2 shields total, a blue shield and a green shield)

    Shield Downgrade (move to the next worse shield)

    Weapon Disable (temporarily disables your weapons)

    Destruction (instantly destroys your ship regardless of your defenses, avoid at all cost)


    There are 3 weapons systems available in the game. They are described below

    Basic Weapon. A slow laser that is also narrow.  Very accurate shooting is required.

    Upgraded Weapon. A faster laser that is slightly wider than the basic laser.

  Super Weapon. A very fast laser which is also very wide, you cant miss with this weapon.


     There are 2 shields available in the game. They are described below

  Get hit with this shield and you will be defenseless, This allows you to survive a single hit. Alien command ships also have this shield.

  Get hit with this shield and you will return to the blue shield. With this you can survive 2 hits total.



   You score points in Alien Attack by shooting down the aliens. Aliens that are moving are worth more points than those who are in formation. The exception to this rule is the command ship whose score value is the same in formation as it is while moving, but the command ship will drop an item if shot while in motion. The point values of the ships is described below.

  Slow ship worth 50 points in formation, 80 points while moving.

  Medium speed ship worth 70 while in formation, 100 points while moving.

  Fast speed ship worth 120 while in formation, 180 points while moving.

Command ship worth 250 points in formation, 250 plus item drop while moving.


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